Janu Vishlesha: That means, Causes, Signs, Remedy

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S

There’s a situation known as as ‘Janu Vishlesha’ talked about amongst Vata Nanatmaja Rogas – particular and particular issues attributable to aggravation of ‘solely vata’. Completely there are eighty nanatmaja rogas of vata. Janu Vishlesha is one amongst them.

Phrase That means

The phrase Janu Vishlesha is made up of two phrases – Janu and Vishlesha

Janu = Knee joint

Vishlesha means feeling of looseness, which additionally means instability. Different meanings of the time period vishlesha are –

–         Separation, separate from
–         Falling asunder / aside
–         Dissolution – Destruction by breaking down
–         Disjunction – lack of consistency
–         Trigger to be disunited

Causes for Janu Vishlesha

1. Abhyantara Nidana: Intrinsic Causes

Kapha issue: Sandhi Bandha – binding the joints and maintaining them built-in is without doubt one of the chief features of balanced kapha. Kapha lubricates the bony joints and retains them moist and versatile. That is led to by the unctuous, steady and clean qualities of kapha. The actions are simple on the joints as a result of presence of shleshaka kapha – subtype of kapha, in balanced proportions. The joints give method and change into free when this kapha decreases. Kapha depleting meals and actions will hit exhausting on the integrity of joints. Alternatively, kapha depletion will result in a rise of vata. This can additional injury the joints by depleting the lubricating substances that are pure to these joints and convey about instability therein. When these occasions occur in knee joints, it might result in janu vishlesha.

Vata issue: Vata, in its balanced and serene state is answerable for correct actions on the joints and locomotion. When vata will get aggravated within the joints it destroys kapha – the protecting buffer, moistness and lubrication of these joints, as a result of its dry and tough qualities. The causes embrace vata aggravating meals and actions. Sandhi vishlesha is attributable to vata aggravation within the knee joints.

Notice: Vata and kapha are antagonistic doshas. Improve of 1 dosha would lower the opposite. The opposite method can be true. So, vata rising meals and actions by default would deplete kapha. Equally, kapha depleting meals and actions would improve vata.

Pathogenesis of Janu Vishlesha, Kapha Kshaya and Vata Vriddhi hyperlink

Integrity and lubrication of any joint together with Janu Sandhi – knee joint is led to by balanced kapha positioned within the joints, primarily shleshaka kapha – joint particular subtype of kapha. The actions and adaptability and involvement of joints in locomotion is led to by balanced vata. So long as the connection of kapha and vata concerned in joint integrity and functioning is balanced, the joints are steady and wholesome. When there’s a proportional imbalance of those two doshas, particularly kapha lower adopted by vata improve or vice versa, there happens laxity or feeling of looseness within the joints and a really feel of ‘joints giving method’. That is known as ‘Janu Vishlesha’.

Medo Upadhatu issue

Snayu – ligaments (and tendons) and Sandhi (joints) are the upadhatus – sub-tissues of medo dhatu (fats tissue). Each these elements are affected by knee instability. So, one ought to preserve a verify on the physique weight. Being obese or overweight could also be a danger issue and should trigger extreme strain on the ligaments across the knee joint and the joint itself in order to trigger instability and painful situations of knee joint.

2. Bahya Nidana – Exterior Causes

Damage issue – vata and rakta aggravation

Tears and harm to the ligaments in and across the knee joint is the principle trigger for janu vishlesha vis-à-vis instability of the knee. Damage is an extrinsic issue which later results in aggravation of vata. Damage additionally causes aggravation of rakta.

Ati Vyayama – as nidana

Ati Vyayama – extreme workout routines and bodily actions past one’s capability is the chief explanation for trauma, compression and vata aggravation within the knee joint which can in flip result in janu vishlesha.

3. Bahya-Abhyantara Nidana – Exterior and Inner Causes

Majjavaha Srotas issue

Asthi – bones and Sandhi – joints are the roots of the majjavaha srotas – channels transporting / or answerable for formation and upkeep of bone marrow. Utpesha – crushing accidents, abhighata – accident, trauma and prapeedana – compression are the necessary causes for contamination of majjavaha srotas. These are additionally the chief causative components for knee instability. Viruddha Ahara – consumption in extra of mutually incompatible meals and Ati Abhishyandana – being crammed with moist elements / kapha are the intrinsic causes for contamination of majjavaha srotaas. A mixture of each these components concerned within the pathogenesis occurring within the bones and joints involving the knee joint could trigger ache and instability associated to janu vishlesha vis-à-vis knee joint / joints.

Within the illness vatarakta, vata and rakta are individually aggravated as a result of their particular person aggravating components. Within the later a part of pathogenesis, vata and rakta mutually afflict one another and trigger the illness vatarakta. This situation is attributable to a mix of intrinsic and extrinsic components as defined within the nidana of the illness. Damage is the widespread extrinsic issue for aggravation of each vata and rakta. When harm is the widespread issue aggravating vata and rakta together with their particular person aggravating components, they might come into the best way of one another and trigger a situation known as vatarakta. This situation could cause painful situations of the joints. When this pathogenesis happens within the knee joint / joints, it might trigger joint instability together with ache and different signs of vatarakta. On this situation, knee joint won’t be the one joint bothered.

Sandhi Vikriti: Joint illnesses and deformities

Many joint issues, primarily these that are continual, would trigger janu vishlesha – knee instability in the long term. They embrace –

Janu Sandhigata Vata – popularly in comparison with osteoarthritis, additionally impacts the knee joints and is without doubt one of the issues which could trigger knee instability i.e. janu vishlesha in the long term. This can be a vata dysfunction whereby aggravated vata localized within the knee joint causes sandhi nasha – destruction of the joint together with the destruction of ligaments, tendons, sinews and the whole joint inflicting janu vishlesha. Shula – ache and Atopa – sounds / swelling within the joint are the opposite signs. There may be additionally issue in actions on the knee joint, primarily prasarana – extension and akunchana – flexion of the knee joint.

Amavata – usually correlated with rheumatoid arthritis, is a illness attributable to a vicious mixture of ama and vata. It’s a systemic illness which begins from the intestine and ends by affecting the musculoskeletal system. Among the many a number of joints it impacts, the knee joint can be the one. Other than ache and swelling of the joint, it might additionally trigger janu vishlesha.

Vatarakta – usually correlated with gouty arthritis, can be a systemic dysfunction which sooner or later of time afflicts the joints. The pathogenesis of vatarakta has been defined above. It is without doubt one of the causes for Janu Vishlesha.

Although ‘janu vishlesha’ has not been immediately talked about among the many signs of any of those situations, the situation occurring within the course of of those illnesses could be inferred by means of their pathogenesis and likewise from the attitude that vata is concerned in all these illnesses and all of them do have an effect on the knee joint.

Trendy Perspective of Janu Vishlesha

Indicators and signs of knee instability v/s Janu Vishlesha

Instability of the knee joint is the principle symptom of ‘knee instability’. Janu Vishlesha too means the identical.

Indicators and signs of ‘knee instability’ are relatable to the signs of vata aggravation.

Popping sound, sudden and extreme ache, swelling, incapacity to bear weight and sensation of joint looseness or instability – that are the indicators and signs of ‘knee instability’, that are additionally the indicators and signs of ‘vata aggravation’. All these signs are additionally half and parcel of janu vishlesha.

The identical are additionally the signs of ‘sandhigata vata’.

‘Janu Vishlesha’ could be correlated with a situation known as ‘Knee Instability’ defined in fashionable medication. The signs of knee instability which comply with harm are attributable to aggravated vata.

Remedy Rules of Janu Vishlesha

Nidana Parivarjana – Since Janu Vishlesha is principally attributable to vata aggravation, all etiological components resulting in it shall be saved away. Primarily, one needs to be cautious about their nature of labor particularly whether it is ‘harm inclined’ work and likewise extreme and vigorous bodily actions, together with sporting. Any harm or insult occurring to the knee joint needs to be instantly addressed with appropriate interventions.

Vata and Kapha balancing – The important thing to deal with Janu Vishlesha will likely be to carry vata and / or kapha to a state of stability and likewise to result in their relative stability.

Since vata is the chief dosha concerned within the causation of this situation and can be a vata nanatmaja roga, the medicines, therapies and dietetic protocols meant to deal with vata rogas are additionally relevant right here.

Coping with Medo Vriddhi – Fats improve, weight problems or being obese would impart excessive strain on the knee joint because it is a crucial weight bearing joint and trigger injury to the joint, and associated constructions i.e. muscle tissues, bones, ligaments, tendons and blood vessels get injured and consequently broken. Weight administration is the important thing technique on this situation.

Coping with sandhi vikriti

Ailments like vatarakta, sandhigata vata or amavata afflicting the knee joint shall be successfully dealt with with appropriate interventions. This can verify the additional injury to the joint. Additional the knee joint could also be strengthened by balya and brimhana therapies and medicines.

Coping with asthivha and majjavaha sroto dushti and gata vata

Contamination or injury to channels associated to asthi – bones and majja – bone marrow could cause janu vishlesha. Equally, it might even be attributable to situations like asthigata vata or majjagata vata – aggravated vata localized in bones or bone marrow respectively and shall be dealt accordingly.

Balya, Brimhana and Rasayana Chikitsa

To strengthen the knee joint and to reinforce stability therein, balya – strengthening, brimhana – bulk selling and rasayana – anti-ageing / rejuvenation medicines and meals needs to be administered.

1. Bahya Chikitsa – Exterior therapies

Beneath talked about exterior therapies will likely be useful in strengthening the knee joint and likewise in lowering the signs of sandhi vishlesha and likewise would stability the vitiated vata.

–         Abhyanga – therapeutic massage with natural / vata mitigating oils
–         Swedana – sudation – patra pinda sweda, shashtika shali pinda sweda
–         Swedana – sudation – patra pinda sweda, shashtika shali pinda sweda
–         Janu Vasti – oil pooling across the bothered knee joint / joints

2. Abhyantara Chikitsa – Inner medicines

The interior interventions for janu vishlesha are as beneath talked about –

–         Sneha pana / Snehana – oral consumption of medicated fat, primarily ghee or ghee and oil – like Guggulutiktaka Ghrta, Ashwagandha Ghrta and many others.
–         Vasti – enema with medicated ghee / oil or each – utilizing the identical medicines talked about in Sneha pana

Helpful formulations

–         Maharasnadi Kashayam
–         Sahacharadi Kashayam
–         Dhanwantaram Kashayam
–         Rasnasaptaka Kashayam
–         Guggulutiktakam Ghrtam
–         Ksheerabala Taila
–         Yogaraja Guggulu

Helpful Yoga Postures

–         Utkatasana – Chair pose
–         Virabhadrasana II – Warrior II Pose
–         Ardhachandrasana – Half moon pose
–         Utkata Konasana – Goddess Pose
–         Prapadasana – Tip Toe Pose
–         Ardha Purvottanasana – Reverse Desk High
–         Balasana – Youngster’s Pose
–         Dandasana – Workers / Stiff Pose
–         Sethu Bandhasana – Bridge Pose
–         Janu Shirsasanan – Head to knee ahead bend
–         Utthitha Parsvakonasanan – Prolonged facet angle
–         Malasana – Garland Pose
–         Paschimottanasana – Seated Ahead Bend

Trendy Correlation

Janu Vishlesha could be correlated with a situation defined in fashionable medication named ‘Instability of Knee Joint’, by which means and likewise by related scientific presentation.

Knee instability is generally attributable to accidents or issues affecting the ligaments throughout the knee joint. It presents as a sensation of ‘giving out’ or ‘buckling’ of the knee joint, primarily when the joint is subjected to strain. It occurs when the ligaments across the knee joint fail to carry the bones making the knee joint in place securely. This ultimately ends in a wobbly feeling whereas bearing weight on the knees. Tears of ACL, MCL and PCL majorly contribute to the knee instability. Other than tears and accidents, it might even be attributable to varied actions associated to life-style – like twisting, leaping or sudden stops and many others. Knee osteoarthritis, patellar instability, knee strains and sprains, gout, an infection of knee joint, meniscus tear or bursitis may trigger knee instability.

The chief signs of knee instability embrace loud popping or snapping sounds within the joint, sudden and extreme ache manifestation, feeling of looseness of the knee joint, incapacity to bear the burden on the affected joint and swelling.

Associated Studying – Knee Instability

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