Rajayakshmadi Chikitsitam Adhyaya (Therapies of pulmonary tuberculosis and so forth.)   

The fifth chapter of Cikitsasthanam of Ashtanga Hridayam is known as as Rajayaksmadi Cikitsitam Adhyayah. This chapter offers with the reason of ‘therapy of continual respiratory problems together with pulmonary tuberculosis’.

The matters lined on this chapter embrace –

–        Sodhana – purifactory therapies
–        Vamana – emesis
–        Virechana – purgation
–        Brimhana and Dipana – Nourishing and carminative therapies
–        Dietetic routine
–        Meat of various animals and birds given in disguised type
–        Mamsa, mamsarasa, yusa – meat, meat-soup and soup
–        Aja mamsarasa in pulmonary tuberculosis
–        Wines in pulmonary tuberculosis
–        Ghrta Yogas
–        Ghrta Yogas – Jivantyadi Ghrta
–        Ghrta Yogas – Kharjuradi Ghrta
–        Ghrta Yogas – Dasamula Ghrta
–        Ghrta Yogas – Panca Pancamuli Ghrta
–        Ghrta Yogas – Satpala Ghrta
–        Ghrta Yogas – Rasnadi Ghrta
–        Ghrta Yogas – Mamsa Sarpi
–        Ghrta Yogas – Eladi Ghrta
–        Sarpiguda
–        Svarasada Cikitsa – therapy of hoarseness of voice
–        Therapy of hoarseness of voice brought on by vitiated vata
–        Badaripatra kalka
–        Madhukadi Taila Nasya
–        Gudodana, snehana and swedana in pulmonary tuberculosis
–        Therapy of hoarseness of voice brought on by vitiated pitta
–        Baladi Ghrita
–        Prapaundarikadi Ghrita Nasya
–        Candy tasting medicines
–        Therapy of hoarseness of voice brought on by vitiated kapha
–        Use of Yavagu (gruel)
–        Therapy of hoarseness of voice prompted resulting from talking loudly
–        Therapy of arocaka – lack of style and urge for food
–        Therapy of vataja arocaka
–        Therapy of doshaja arocaka
–        Samasarkara Curna (Eladi Curna)
–        Yavanyadi Curna
–        Talisadi Curna
–        Use of flour paste, emesis and meat
–        Comparable therapies for nasal catarrh and vomiting
–        Therapy for nasal catarrh
–        Therapy of circumstances brought on by aggravation of two doshas
–        Varied sorts of appropriate therapies
–        Bloodletting, poultice, anointing and pouring medicines
–        Feces as energy of the particular person affected by pulmonary tuberculosis
–        Massages in pulmonary tuberculosis
–        Jivantyadi Churna for Therapeutic massage in pulmonary tuberculosis
–        Natural water for bathing in pulmonary tuberculosis
–        Daivavyapasraya in pulmonary tuberculosis

Pledge by the creator(s)

अथातो राजयक्ष्मादिचिकित्सितं व्याख्यास्याम:  व्याख्यास्याम: ।
इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षय: ।
After having provided prayers to the God, henceforth we’re going to clarify the chapter pertaining to the reason of ‘therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis and so forth’. Thus say (pledge) Atreya and different sages.

Sodhana: Purifactory therapies

बलिनो बहुदोषस्य स्निग्धस्विन्नस्य शोधनम् ।
ऊर्ध्वाधो यक्ष्मिणः कुर्यात्सस्नेहं यन्न कर्शनम् ॥ १ ॥ The affected person of yaksmawho is strongwho has nice enhance of Doshas,who has been administered oleationand sudation therapiesshould be given purifactory therapies ofboth the upward and downward components (emesis and purgation respectively)utilizing barely unctuous (fatty) supplies,with out inflicting debility.

Vamana: Emesis

पयसा फलयुक्तेन मधुरेण रसेन वा ।
सर्पिष्मत्या यवाग्वा वा वमनद्रव्यसिद्धया ॥ २ ॥
He must be given emesisi remedy utilizing Randia dumetorum blended with both milk, candy syrups, or juice (soup) of meat, with the usage of skinny gruel processed with emetic herbs and added with ghee.

Virechana: Purgation

वमेद्विरेचनं दद्यात्त्रिवृच्छ्यामानृपद्रुमान् ।
शर्करामधुसर्पिर्भिः पयसा तर्पणेन वा ॥ ३ ॥
द्राक्षाविदारीकाश्मर्यमांसानां वा रसैर्युतान् ।
After Vamana remedy, purgation could also be produced trivṛt – with the usage of Operculina turpethum, śyāmā – number of Operculina turpethum, nṛpadrumān – and Cassia fistula blended with sugar, honey and ghee; or with milk blended along with nutritive juices drākṣā – of Vitis vinifera, vidārī – Pueraria tuberosa, kāśmarya – Gmelina arborea, māṃsānāṃ vā rasai: – or meat juice.

Brimhana and Deepana: Nourishing and digestion kindling therapies

शुद्धकोष्ठस्य युञ्जीत विधिं बृंहणदीपनम् ॥ ४ ॥
हृद्यानि चान्नपानानि वातघ्नानि लघूनि च ।
After the alimentary tract is purified, nourishing and digestion bettering therapies must be adopted. Meals and drinks are good to the guts, which mitigate Vata and simply digested must be administered.

Dietetic routine

शालिषष्टिकगोधूमयवमुद्गं समोषितम् ॥ ५ ॥
लघुमच्युतवीर्यं च सुजरं बलकृच्च यत् ॥ ५+(१)॥
आजं क्षीरं घृतं मांसं क्रव्यान्मांसं च शोषजित् ।
śāli – Oryza sativa, ṣaṣṭika – paddy grown in 60 days, godhūma – Triticum aestivum, yava – Hordeum vulgare, mudgaṃm – Vigna radiata; that are outdated by one 12 months, that are mild, not misplaced their efficiency, simply digestible, and strengthening, milk, ghee and flesh of goat, and meat of carnivorous animals all these remedy consumption.

Meat of various animals and birds given in disguised type

काकोलूकवृकद्वीपिगवाश्वनकुलोरगम् ॥ ६ ॥
गृध्रभासखरोष्ट्रं च हितं छद्मोपसंहितम् ।
ज्ञातं जुगुप्सितं तद्धि च्छर्दिषे न बलौजसे ॥ ७ ॥
Meat of Crow, Owl, Jackal, Tiger, Ox, Horse, Mongoose, Snake, Hawk, Chicken vulture, Donkey, or Camel, is helpful when administered secretly (with out revealing their title to the sufferers) as a result of, if made recognized, it’ll create disgust and vomiting and doesn’t enhance energy and vigor.

Mamsa, mamsarasa, yusa: Meat, meat-soup and soup

मृगाद्याः पित्तकफयोः पवने प्रसहादयः ।
वेसवारीकृताः पथ्या रसादिषु च कल्पिताः ॥ ८ ॥
भृष्टाः सर्षपतैलेन सर्पिषा वा यथायथम् ।
रसिका मृदवः स्निग्धाः पटुद्रव्याभिसंस्कृताः ॥ ९ ॥
हिता मौलककौलत्थास्तद्वद्यूषाश्च साधिताः ।
Meat of deer and so forth., made into Vesavara (meat steamed and blended with Ghee, sugar, Pippali and marica) or juice (soup) of meat is formulated and ready. Fried within the oil of Mustard or ghee whichever is appropriate, juicy dish, mushy, unctuous (fatty), processed with salt and so forth. (spices and so forth.) is sweet when Pitta and Kapha are predominant meat of Prasaha and so forth, when Vata is Predominant. Gruel of maulaka – Raphanus sativus, kaulatthā: ca – or Dolichos bifolrus ready in the identical method (with addition of salt, spices ghee and so forth.)

Aja mamsarasa in pulmonary tuberculosis

सपिप्पलीकं सयवं सकुलत्थं सनागरम् ॥ १० ॥
सदाडिमं सामलकं स्निग्धमाजं रसं पिबेत् ।
तेन षड्विनिवर्तन्ते विकाराः पीनसादयः ॥ ११ ॥
Juice (soup) of meat of goat must be consumed with pippalīkaṃ – Piper longum, sayavaṃ – Hordeum vulgare, sakulatthaṃ – Dolichos biflorus, sanāgaram – Zingiber officinale, dāḍimaṃ – Punica granatum, āmalakaṃ – Emblica officinalis and made unctuous (and blended with fat reminiscent of ghee). By this the six abnormalities (signs) reminiscent of nasal catarrh and so forth. get relieved.

Wines in pulmonary tuberculosis

पिबेच्च सुतरां मद्यं जीर्णं स्रोतोविशोधनम् ।
पित्तादिषु विशेषेण मध्वरिष्टाच्छवारुणीः ॥ १२ ॥
सिद्धं वा पञ्चमूलेन तामलक्याथवा जलम् ।
पर्णिनीभिश्चतसृभिर्धान्यनागरकेण वा ॥ १३ ॥
कल्पयेच्चानुकूलोऽस्य तेनान्नं शुचि यत्नवान् ।
Outdated wine which purifies (clears) Kapha and the channels (tissue pores) must be consumed incessantly fermented liquid of honey, scum of varuni liquor, or water boiled with pañcamūlena – herbs of pancamula (Laghu), tāmalakyā – Phyllanthus niruri, parṇinībhi: catasṛbhi: – or with catasparni (the 4 parni- Saliparni, Prsniparni, Masaparni, and Mudgaparni), dhānya – Coriandrum sativum, nāgara – Zingiber officinale, whichever is appropriate to him; must be made use of to organize the meals by the prepare dinner who’s clear and skillful, particularly in these brought on by pitta and so forth.

Ghrita Yogas

दशमूलेन पयसा सिद्धं मांसरसेन वा ॥ १४ ॥
बलागर्भं घृतं योज्यं क्रव्यान्मांसरसेन वा ।
Medicated ghee ready with decoction of herbs of Dasamula together with both milk or meat juice and Sida cordifolia, (made into paste to be inside) must be added adopted by consuming of juice of meat of carnivorous animals; or ghee ready from ten components of milk and (one a part of paste of Sida cordifolia) consumed together with honey.

Ghrita Yogas: Jivantyadi Ghrita

जीवन्तीं मधुकं द्राक्षां फलानि कुटजस्य च ।
पुष्कराह्वं शठीं कृष्णां व्याघ्रीं गोक्षुरकं बलाम् ॥ १६ ॥
नीलोत्पलं तामलकीं त्रायमाणां दुरालभाम् ।
कल्कीकृत्य घृतं पक्वं रोगराजहरं परम् ॥ १७ ॥
jīvantīṃ – Leptadenia reticulata,madhukaṃ – Glycyrrhiza glabra,drākṣāṃ – Vitis vinifera,phalāni kuṭajasya ca – Fruits of Holarrhena antidysenterica,puṣkarāhvaṃ – Inula racemosa,śaṭhīṃ – Curcuma zedoaria,kṛṣṇāṃ – Piper longum,vyāghrīṃ – Solanum xanthocarpum,gokṣurakaṃ – Tribulus terrestris,balām – Sida cordifolia,nīlotpalaṃ – Nymphaea nouchali,tāmalakīṃ – Phyllanthus fraternus,trāyamāṇāṃ – Gentiana kurroo,durālabhām – Fagonia cretica,  (all these) made into pasteand ghee processed with them (when used)is the very best in curing the king of illnesses (pulmonary tuberculosis).

Ghrita Yogas: Kharjuradi Ghrita

घृतं खर्जूरमृद्वीकामधुकैः सपरूषकैः ।
सपिप्पलीकं वैस्वर्यकासश्वासज्वरापहम् ॥ १८ ॥
Medicated ghee ready withkharjūra – Phoenix dactylifera,mṛdvīkā – Vitis vinifera,madhuka – Glycyrrhiza glabra,saparūṣak – Grewia asiatica, pippalīka – Piper longum vaisvarya – cures hoarseness of voice,kāsa – cough,śvāsa – dysponeajvara – and fever.

Ghrita Yogas: Dasamula Ghrita

दशमूलशृतात्क्षीरात्सर्पिर्यदुदियान्नवम् ।
सपिप्पलीकं सक्षौद्रं तत्परं स्वरबोधनम् ॥ १९ ॥
शिरःपार्श्वांसशूलघ्नं कासश्वासज्वरापहम् ।
पञ्चभिः पञ्चमूलैर्वा शृताद्यदुदियाद्घृतम् ॥ २० ॥
Milk is cooked with daśamūla – group of 10 herbs and contemporary ghee obtained from it (boiled milk is churned butter obtained and melted) added with pippalīka – Piper longum and honey is finest to revive the voice, relieve the ache of the top, flanks and shoulders; kāsa – cough, dysponea, jvara – fever. Ghee obtained from milk boiled with herbs of the 5 Panchamula (vide chapter 6 of Sutrasthana) (acts equally).

Ghrita Yogas: Pancha Panchamuli Ghrita

पञ्चानां पञ्चमूलानां रसे क्षीरचतुर्गुणे ।
सिद्धं सर्पिर्जयत्येतद्यक्ष्मणः सप्तकं बलम् ॥ २१ ॥
Ghee ready from the juice (decoction) of the herbs of the 5 Panchamula, and 4 components of milk wins (cures) the seven battalions (signs) of Rajayakshma.

Ghrita Yogas: Satpala Ghrita

पञ्चकोलयवक्षारषट्पलेन पचेद्घृतम् ।
प्रस्थोन्मितं तुल्यपयः स्रोतसां तद्विशोधनम् ॥ २२ ॥
गुल्मज्वरोदरप्लीहग्रहणीपाण्डुपीनसान् ।
श्वासकासाग्निसदनश्वयथूर्ध्वानिलाञ्जयेत् ॥ २३ ॥
Six pala (in whole) of – 288gherbs Panchakola (1 pala every – 240 g)and alkali of Hordeum vulgare (1 pala – 48 g) are made right into a paste,added to 1 Prastha of Grtha – 768 g and equal amount of milk and medicated ghee ready.This clearsthe channels,cures gulma – stomach tumors, jvara – fever,udara – enlargement of the stomach,plīha – problems of the spleen,grahaṇī – duodenum,pāṇḍu – anaemia,pīnasa – nasal catarrh,śvāsa – dyspnea,kāsa – cough,agnisadana – weak digestion,śvayathu – dropsyand ūrdhva anilān – upward motion of vata.

Ghrita Yogas: Rasnadi Ghrita

रास्नाबलागोक्षुरकस्थिरावर्षाभुवारिणि ।
जीवन्तीपिप्पलीगर्भं सक्षीरं शोषजिद्घृतम् ॥ २४ ॥
अश्वगन्धाशृतात्क्षीराद्घृतं च ससितापयः ।
Medicated ghee ready with decoction of rāsnā – Pluchea lanceolata, balā – Sida cordifolia, gokṣuraka – Tribulus terrestris, sthirā – Terminalia chebula, varṣābhu – Boerhavia diffusa, jīvantī – paste of Leptadenia reticulata, pippalīgarbhaṃ – Piper longum and milk, cures śoṣa – consumption. Likewise the ghee obtained from milk boiled with decoction of Withania somnifera together with sugar and milk.

Ghrita Yogas: Mamsa Sarpi

साधारणामिषतुलां तोयद्रोणद्वये पचेत् ॥ २५ ॥
तेनाष्टभागशेषेण जीवनीयैः पलोन्मितैः ।
साधयेत्सर्पिषः प्रस्थं वातपित्तामयापहम् ॥ २६ ॥
मांससर्पिरिदं पीतं युक्तं मांसरसेन वा ।
कासश्वासस्वरभ्रंशशोषहृत्पार्श्वशूलजित् ॥ २७ ॥
One Tula of (4.8 kg) meat of animals of temperate areas is cooked in two drona of water (12.288 liters) and decreased to 1 eighth half, to this are added, the paste of 1 pala (48g) every of the herbs of Jivaniya Gana (vide chapter 15 of Sutrasathana) and one Prastha of ghee and medicated ghee ready. This recipe Mamsa sarpi, consumed both alone or together with meat juice (soup) cures problems of vata, Pitta, kāsa – cough, śvāsa – dyspnea, svarabhraṃśa – lack of voice, śoṣa – consumption, hṛt pārśva śūlajit – ache of the guts and flanks.

Ghrita Yogas: Eladi Ghrita

एलाजमोदात्रिफलासौराष्ट्रीव्योषचित्रकान् ।
सारानरिष्टगायत्रीशालबीजकसम्भवान् ॥ २८ ॥
भल्लातकं विडङ्गं च पृथगष्टपलोन्मितम् ।
सलिले षोडशगुणे षोडशांशस्थितं पचेत् ॥ २९ ॥
पुनस्तेन घृतप्रस्थं सिद्धे चास्मिन्पलानि षट् ।
तवक्षीर्याः क्षिपेत्त्रिंशत्सिताया द्विगुणं मधु ॥ ३० ॥
घृतात्त्रिजातात्त्रिपलं ततो लीढं खजाहतम् ।
पयोऽनुपानं तत्प्राह्णे रसायनमयन्त्रणम् ॥ ३१ ॥
मेध्यं चक्षुष्यमायुष्यं दीपनं हन्ति चाचिरात् ।
मेहगुल्मक्षयव्याधिपाण्डुरोगभगन्दरान् ॥ ३२ ॥
Eight pala every of (384 g) elā – Elettaria cardamom, ajamodā – Trachyspermum ammi, triphalā – fruits of Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellirica and Emblica officinalis, saurāṣṭrī – Tribulus terrestris, vyoṣa – Piper longum, Piper nigrum and Zingiber officinale, citraka – Plumbago zeylanica; essence of – ariṣṭa – Azadirachta indica, gāyatrī – Acacia catechu, bījaka – Pterocarpus marsupium, bhallātakaṃ – Semecarpus anacardium, viḍaṅgaṃ ca – Embelia ribes are boiled in sixteen instances of water and decoction decreased to one- sixteenth half. To that is, added one Prastha – 768 g of ghee and medicated ghee is ready. To this, after cooling six pala (288 g) of tavakṣīryāḥ – Bamboo manna, thirty pala of(1440 g) sugar, honey double the amount of ghee (two Prastha -1536g ) is added and three pala (144 g of powder of) trijātāt – Trijataka, all these are blended by stirring with a ladle and licked(consumed). This recipe consumed within the morning (each day) adopted by consuming of milk, with out a lot restrictions (in weight loss plan and actions) rasāyanaṃ – is a rejuvenator, medhyaṃ – improves intelligence, cakṣuṣyaṃ – eyesight, āyuṣyaṃ – lifespan, dīpanaṃ – and starvation, and cures immediately; meha – illnesses reminiscent of diabetes, gulma – irregular tumor, kṣayavyādhi – consumption, pāṇḍuroga – anemia, and bhagandarān – rectal fistula.


ये च सर्पिर्गुडाः प्रोक्ताः क्षते योज्याः क्षयेऽपि ते ।
These sarpiguda recipe described within the therapy of ksata kind of Kasa (vide – chapter 3) could also be used even in Ksaya (Rajaksama).


त्वगेलापिप्पलीक्षीरीशर्करा द्विगुणाः क्रमात् ॥ ३३ ॥
चूर्णिता भक्षिताः क्षौद्रसर्पिषा वावलेहिताः ।
स्वर्याः कासक्षयश्वासपार्श्वरुक्कफनाशनाः ॥ ३४ ॥
tvak – Cinnamomum zeylanica, elā – Elettaria cardamomum, pippalī – Piper longum, kṣīrī – Bamboo manna, śarkarā – sugar, double in amount within the succeeding order (one, two, 4, eight and sixteen components) consumed both within the type of powder or confection blended with honey or ghee; is sweet for the voice, kāsa – and cures cough, kṣaya – consumption, śvāsa – dyspnea, pārśvaruk – ache within the flanks kaphanāśanāḥ – and enhance of kapha.

Svarasada Chikitsa: Therapy of hoarseness of voice

विशेषात्स्वरसादेऽस्य नस्यधूमादि योजयेत् ।
For an individual who’s having hoarseness of voice, nasal drugs, inhalation of smoke and such different therapies must be specifically administered.

Therapy of hoarseness of voice brought on by vitiated vata

तत्रापि वातजे कोष्णं पिबेदौत्तरभक्तिकम् ॥ ३५ ॥
कासमर्दकवार्ताकीमार्कवस्वरसैर्घृतम् ।
साधितं कासजित्स्वर्यं सिद्धमार्तगलेन वा ॥ ३६ ॥
Particularly the medicated ghee ready with contemporary juice of kāsamardaka – Cassia occidentalis, vārtākī – Solanum indicum, mārkava – Eclipta alba must be consumed heat in case of (hoarseness) arising from vata after meals. It cures cough and is sweet for voice. Equally the ghee ready from (juice of) ārtagalena vā – Acanthus ilicifolius.

Badaripatra kalka

बदरीपत्रकल्कं वा घृतभृष्टं ससैन्धवम् ।
Paste of leaves of badarī patra – Ziziphus mauritiana fried in ghee and consumed after mixing with Rock salt (acts likewise).

Madhukadi Taila Nasya

तैलं वा मधुकद्राक्षापिप्पलीकृमिनुत्फलैः ॥ ३७ ॥
हंसपद्याश्च मूलेन पक्वं नस्तो निषेचयेत् ।
Medicated oil ready with (decoction and paste) of madhuka – Glycyrrhiza glabra, drākṣā – Vitis vinifera, pippalī – Piper longum, kṛminut – Embelia ribes, phalaiḥ – Randia dumetorum and roots of haṃsapadyāśca mūlena – Adiantum lunulatum must be instilled into the nostril.

Gudodana, snehana and swedana in pulmonary tuberculosis

सुखोदकानुपानं च ससर्पिष्कं गुडौदनम् ॥ ३८ ॥
अश्नीयात् पायसं चैवं स्निग्धं स्वेदं नियोजयेत् ।
The affected person ought to eat cooked rice blended with jaggery and added with ghee adopted by consuming heat water candy pudding ready with milk) in the identical means. He must be administered sweating remedy preceded by oleation remedy.

Therapy of hoarseness of voice brought on by vitiated pitta

पित्तोद्भवे पिबेत्सर्पिः शृतशीतपयोऽनुपः ॥ ३९ ॥
क्षीरिवृक्षाङ्कुरक्वाथकल्कसिद्धं समाक्षिकम् ।
अश्नीयाच्च ससर्पिष्कं यष्टीमधुकपायसम् ॥ ४० ॥
In that (voice hoarseness) arising from Pitta, medicated ghee ready with decoction and paste of tender leaves of timber with milky sap to be consumed, added with honey and adopted by consuming of boiled and cooled milk. He ought to drink payasa ready with yaṣṭīmadhuka – Glycirrhiza glabra added with ghee.

Baladi Ghrita

बलाविदारिगन्धाभ्यां विदार्या मधुकेन च ।
सिद्धं सलवणं सर्पिर्नस्यं स्वर्यमनुत्तमम् ॥ ४१ ॥
Medicated ghee ready with balā – Sida cordifolia, vidārigandhābhyāṃ – Desmodium gangeticum, vidāri – Pueraria tuberose, madhuka – Glycyrrhiza glabra and added with salt instilled into the nostril is finest for the voice.

Prapaundarikadi Ghrita Nasya

प्रपौण्डरीकं मधुकं पिप्पली बृहती बला ।
साधितं क्षीरसर्पिश्च तत्स्वर्यं नावनं परम् ॥ ४२ ॥
Milk or ghee boiled with prapauṇḍarīkaṃ – Nelumbo nucifera, madhukaṃ – Glycyrrhiza glabra, pippalī – Piper longum, bṛhatī – Solanum indicum, balā – Sida cordifolia, used as Nasal drops is finest for voice.

Candy tasting medicines

लिह्यान्मधुरकाणां च चूर्णं मधुघृताप्लुतम् ।
Powder of herbs of candy style, blended with honey and ghee must be licked.

Therapy of hoarseness of voice brought on by vitiated kapha

पिबेत् कटूनि मूत्रेण कफजे रूक्षभोजनः ॥ ४३ ॥
कट्फलामलकव्योषं लिह्यात्तैलमधुप्लुतम् ।
व्योषक्षाराग्निचविकाभार्गीपथ्यामधूनि वा ॥ ४४ ॥
In that (hoarseness of voice) arising from kapha, ought to devour (powder of) pungent style together with cow urine must be consumed and dry (fats free, moisture much less) meals. Lick the powder of kaṭphala – Myrica esculenta, āmalaka – Emblica officinalis, vyoṣaṃ – Piper longum, Piper nigrum and Zingiber officinale; kṣāra – alkali, agni – Plumbago zeylanica, cavikā – Piper retrofractum, bhārgī – Clerodendrum serratum, pathyā – Terminalia chebula, blended with honey and blended with sesame oil and honey.

Use of Yavagu (gruel)

यवैर्यवागूं यमके कणाधात्रीकृतां पिबेत् ।
भुक्त्वाद्यात् पिप्पलीं शुण्ठीं तीक्ष्णं वा वमनं भजेत् ॥ ४५ ॥
Gruel ready from yava – Hordeum vulgare, ghee and oil, kaṇā – Piper longum, dhātrī – Emblica officinalis must be drunk; or eat (paste of) pippalīṃ – Piper longum, śuṇṭhīṃ – Zingiber officinale after meals. Subsequent, he must be given sturdy emesis remedy.

Therapy of hoarseness of voice prompted resulting from talking loudly

शर्कराक्षौद्रमिश्राणि शृतानि मधुरैः सह ।
पिबेत्पयांसि यस्योच्चैर्वदतोऽभिहतः स्वरः ॥ ४६ ॥
He, whose voice is misplaced resulting from talking in excessive pitch for a very long time, ought to drink milk boiled with herbs of candy style added with sugar and honey.

Therapy of Arochaka: lack of style and urge for food

विचित्रमन्नमरुचौ हितैरुपहितं हितम् ।
बहिरन्तर्मृजा चित्तनिर्वाणं हृद्यमौषधम् ॥ ४७ ॥
द्वौ कालौ दन्तपवनं भक्षयेन्मुखधावनैः ।
कषायैः क्षालयेदास्यं धूमं प्रायोगिकं पिबेत् ॥ ४८ ॥
तालीशचूर्णवटकाः सकर्पूरसितोपलाः ।
शशाङ्ककिरणाख्याश्च भक्ष्या रुचिकराः परम् ॥ ४९ ॥
For arochaka (lack of style and urge for food, lack of need for meals) vicitraṃ annaṃ – use of various sorts of meals ready from wholesome articles is right. And likewise, exterior and inner cleanliness, untroubled thoughts, medicines that are good to the guts (or thoughts), cleansing the enamel for 2 instances, mouth must be rinsed / washed with the decoctions ready for mouth wash, prayogika dhuma (inhaling lubricating smoke) must be smoked powder of capsules of tālīśa – Abbies webbiana blended with karpūra – Cinnamomum camphora and sugar sweet powder, snacks referred to as Sasanka Kirana – all these are finest to bestow style.

Therapy of vataja arochaka

वातादरोचके तत्र पिबेच्चूर्णं प्रसन्नया ।
हरेणुकृष्णाकृमिजिद्द्राक्षासैन्धवनागरात् ॥ ५० ॥
एलाभार्गीयवक्षारहिङ्गुयुक्ताद्घृतेन वा ।
In tastelessness arising from Vata, the powder of hareṇu – Pisum sativum, kṛṣṇā – Piper longum, kṛmijit – Embelia ribes, drākṣā – Vitis vinifera, saindhava – rock salt, nāgara – Zingiber officinale; elā – Elettaria cardamomum, bhārgī – Clerodendrum serratum, yava kṣāra – alkali of complete plant of Hordeum vulgare, hiṅgu – and Ferula narthex added with ghee must be licked adopted by Prasanna (scum of Varuni wine).

Therapy of doshaja arochaka

छर्दयेद्वा वचाम्भोभिः पित्ताच्च गुडवारिभिः ॥ ५१ ॥
लिह्याद्वा शर्करासर्पिर्लवणोत्तममाक्षिकम् ।
कफाद्वमेन्निम्बजलैर्दीप्यकारग्वधोदकम् ॥ ५२ ॥
पानं समध्वरिष्टाश्च तीक्ष्णाः समधुमाधवाः ।
पिबेच्चूर्णं च पूर्वोक्तं हरेण्वाद्युष्णवारिणा ॥ ५३ ॥
Vomiting induced by consuming the water boiled with Acorus calamus (in Vataja), by consuming resolution of Jaggery or by licking sugar, ghee, rock salt, and honey in Pittaja; in that brought on by Kapha, vomiting must be induced by consuming decoction of Azadirachta indica, dīpyaka – Cuminum cyminum, āragvadha udakam – decoction of Cassia fistula or consuming sturdy Madhvarishta (aristas – fermented decoction ready from honey) blended with honey (on the time of consuming) or alcohol ready with honey or drink heat water blended with the powder of herbs talked about earlier; or with that off Pisum sativum.

Samasharkara Churna (Eladi Churna)

एलात्वङ्नागकुसुमतीक्ष्णकृष्णामहौषधम् ।
भागवृद्धं क्रमाच्चूर्णं निहन्ति समशर्करम् ॥ ५४ ॥
प्रसेकारुचिहृत्पार्श्वकासश्वासगलामयान् ।
elā -Elettaria cardamomum, tvak – Cinnamomum zeylanicum, nāgakusuma – Mesua ferrea, tīkṣṇa – Aconitum ferox, kṛṣṇā – Piper longum, mahauṣadham – Zingiber officinale every will increase by one half in succeeding order, and added with equal amount of sugar; destroys – praseka – extreme salivation (nausea), aruci – tastelessness, hṛt pārśva – illnesses of the guts and flank, galāmayān – illnesses of throat, kāsa – cough śvāsa – and dyspnea.

Yavanyadi Churna

यवानीतिन्तिडीकाम्लवेतसौषधदाडिमम् ॥ ५५ ॥
कृत्वा कोलं च कर्षांशं सितायाश्च चतुःपलम् ।
धान्यसौवर्चलाजाजीवराङ्गं चार्धकार्षिकम् ॥ ५६ ॥
पिप्पलीनां शतं चैकं द्वे शते मरिचस्य च ।
चूर्णमेतत्परं रुच्यं हृद्यं ग्राहि हिनस्ति च ॥ ५७ ॥
विबन्धकासहृत्पार्श्वप्लीहार्शोग्रहणीगदान् ।
One Karsa every of(12g) yavānī – Trachyspermum ammi, tintiḍīka – Rhus parviflora, amlavetasa – Garcinia pedunculata, auṣadha – Zingiber officinale, dāḍimam – Punica granatum, kolaṃ ca – Ziziphus mauritiana. 4 pala (192g) of sugar, half Karsa every of(6g) dhānya – Coriandrum sativum, sauvarcala – Sauvarchala salt, ajājī – Cuminum cyminum, varāṅgaṃ ca – Cinnamomum zeylanicum, pippalīnāṃ – Piper longum 100 (in quantity), 200 (by numbers) Piper nigrum all are powdered properly. That is good for bettering the style, for the guts; and is water absorbent, vibandha – and cures constipation, kāsa – cough, hṛt pārśva – ache within the coronary heart and flanks, plīha – illnesses of the spleen, arśo – hemorrhoids, grahaṇīgadān – and duodenal illnesses.

Talisadi Churna

तालीशपत्रं मरिचं नागरं पिप्पली शुभा ॥ ५८ ॥
यथोत्तरं भागवृद्ध्या त्वगेले चार्धभागिके ।
तद्रुच्यं दीपनं चूर्णं कणाष्टगुणशर्करम् ॥ ५९ ॥
कासश्वासारुचिच्छर्दिप्लीहहृत्पार्श्वशूलनुत् ।
पाण्डुज्वरातिसारघ्नं मूढवातानुलोमनम् ॥ ६० ॥
tālīśapatraṃ – Abies webbiana, maricaṃ – Piper nigrum, nāgaraṃ – Zingiber officinale, pippalī – Piper longum,  śubhā – Bamboo manna elevated in amount within the succeeding order; half half every of tvak – Cinnamomum zeylanicum, ele ca – and Elettaria cardamomum, and blended with śarkaram – sugar, eight instances in amount of Piper longum are all transformed into good powder. This recipe improves style dīpanaṃ – and starvation, kāsa – cures cough, śvāsa – dysponea, aruci: – lack of style and urge for food, chardi – vomiting, plīha – enlargement of spleen, hṛt pārśva śūlanut – ache within the coronary heart and flanks, pāṇḍu – anaemia, jvara – fever, atisāraghnaṃ – and diarrhea, mūḍhavāta anulomanam – initiates the downward motion of inactive vata.

Use of flour paste, emesis and meat

अर्कामृताक्षारजले शर्वरीमुषितैर्यवैः ।
प्रसेके कल्पितान्सक्तून्भक्ष्यांश्चाद्याद्बली वमेत् ॥ ६१ ॥
कटुतिक्तैस्तथा शूल्यं भक्षयेज्जाङ्गलं पलम् ।
शुष्कांश्च भक्ष्यान् सुलघूंश्चणकादिरसानुपः ॥ ६२ ॥
Paste of flour of yava soaked in water containing the alkali or ash of Calotropis gigantea and Tinospora cordifolia and stored over- evening must be consumed when there’s extra salivation. If the affected person is robust, he must be made to vomit initially by way of herbs of pungent and bitter tastes. He ought to eat roasted meat of animals of desert-like areas, eatables that are dry (moisture or fats free) and simply digestible, adopted by consuming the soup of caṇaka – Cicer arietinum and so forth.

Comparable therapies for nasal catarrh and vomiting

पीनसेऽपि क्रममिमं वमथौ च प्रयोजयेत् ।
The identical strategies must be adopted for the therapy of each pīnasa – nasal catarrh and vamathau – vomiting.

Therapy for nasal catarrh

विशेषात्पीनसेऽभ्यङ्गान्स्नेहान्स्वेदांश्च शीलयेत् ॥ ६४ ॥
स्निग्धानुत्कारिकापिण्डैः शिरःपार्श्वगलादिषु ।
लवणाम्लकटूष्णांश्च रसान्स्नेहोपसंहितान् ॥ ६५ ॥
Particularly for pīnasa – nasal catarrh, oil therapeutic massage, oleation and sudation therapies must be administered,thick paste of herbs, added with fats (oil) must be utilized (as poultice) on the top, flanks and throat; meat soup having lavaṇa – salt, amla – bitter kaṭu – and pungent tastes, warmed and blended with fat (ghee and so forth) must be consumed.

Therapy of circumstances brought on by aggravation of two doshas

शिरोंऽसपार्श्वशूलेषु यथादोषविधिं चरेत् ।
औदकानूपपिशितैरुपनाहाः सुसंस्कृताः ॥ ६६ ॥
तत्रेष्टाः सचतुःस्नेहा दोषसंसर्ग इष्यते ।
प्रलेपो नतयष्ट्याह्वशताह्वाकुष्ठचन्दनैः ॥ ६७ ॥
बलारास्नातिलैस्तद्वत्ससर्पिर्मधुकोत्पलैः ।
पुनर्नवाकृष्णगन्धाबलावीराविदारिभिः ॥ ६८ ॥
In case of ache within the head, shoulders and flanks, therapies applicable to the aggravated dosha must be carried out; utility of heat poultice ready from meat of animals dwelling in water and marshy lands processed with all of the 4 fat (ghee, oil, muscle fats and marrow), is fascinating. In case of aggravation of two doshas, utility of paste (as poultice) both of nata – Oroxylum indicum / Holoptelea integrifolia, yaṣṭyāhva – Glycyrrhiza glabra, śatāhvā – Anethum graveolens, kuṣṭha – Saussurea lappa, candana – Santalum album; balā – Sida cordifolia, rāsnā – Pluchea lanceolata, tila – Sesamum indicum; punarnavā – Boerhavia diffusa, kṛṣṇa – Piper longum, gandhā – Paederia foetida, Sida cordifolia, vīrā – Jasminum multiflorum, vidāri – Pueraria tuberose, madhuka – Glycyrrhiza glabra, utpalaiḥ – Nymphaea stellata tadvat sasarpi: – blended with ghee must be carried out.

Varied sorts of appropriate therapies

नावनं धूमपानानि स्नेहाश्चौत्तरभक्तिकाः ।
तैलान्यभ्यङ्गयोगीनि वस्तिकर्म तथा परम् ॥ ६९ ॥
Nasal medicine, inhalation of smoke (of herbs), consuming of fat after meals (oleation remedy), massaging (the physique and head) with appropriate oil and enema remedy are additionally finest suited.

Bloodletting, poultice, anointing and pouring medicines

शृङ्गाद्यैर्वा यथादोषं दुष्टमेषां हरेदसृक् ।
प्रदेहः सघृतैः श्रेष्ठः पद्मकोशीरचन्दनैः ॥ ७० ॥
दूर्वामधुकमञ्जिष्ठाकेसरैर्वा घृताप्लुतैः ।
वटादिसिद्धतैलेन शतधौतेन सर्पिषा ॥ ७१ ॥
अभ्यङ्गः पयसा सेकः शस्तश्च मधुकाम्बुना ।
By way of Shringa (sucking horn) and others (leech, gourd and lancet) based on the dosha aggravated, vitiated blood must be eliminated. Software of heat paste (within the type of poultice) of both of padmaka – Prunus cerasoides, uśīra – Vetiveria zizanioides, candana – Santalum album blended with ghee is the very best. dūrvā – Cynodon dactylon, madhuka – Glycyrrhiza glabra, mañjiṣṭhā – Rubia cordifolia, kesara – Mesua ferrea blended with ghee must be used for bathing. Anointing the physique with oil ready from Ficus benghalensis and different timber or therapeutic massage utilizing with ghee washed 100 instances, adopted with pouring heat milk or water boiled with Glycyrrhiza glabra are useful.

Feces as energy of the particular person affected by pulmonary tuberculosis

प्रायेणोपहताग्नित्वात्सपिच्छमतिसार्यते ॥ ७२ ॥
तस्यातीसारग्रहणीविहितं हितमौषधम् ।
पुरीषं यत्नतो रक्षेच्छुष्यतो राजयक्ष्मिणः ॥ ७३ ॥
सर्वधातुक्षयार्तस्य बलं तस्य हि विड्बलम् ।
मांसमेवाश्नतो युक्त्या मार्द्वीकं पिबतोऽनु च ॥ ७४ ॥
अविधारितवेगस्य यक्ष्मा न लभतेऽन्तरम् ।
सुरां समण्डां मार्द्वीकमरिष्टान्सीधुमाधवान् ॥ ७५ ॥
यथार्हमनुपानार्थं पिबेन्मांसानि भक्षयन् ।
स्रोतोविबन्धमोक्षार्थं बलौजःपुष्टये च तत् ॥ ७६ ॥
In all probability due to destruction of digestive energy, the affected person develops diarrhea with slimy feacal matter; for this situation, the therapies are appropriate that are indicated for diarrhea and duodenal problems. The faeces must be retained by all results in a affected person of Rajayakshma (pulmonary tuberculosis) who’s changing into emaciated (debilitated) for, a affected person depleted of all of the dhatus, all his energy is from the faeces solely. Meat solely must be eaten skillfully and drink ready with honey must be consumed as after drink. Non-suppression of the urges of the physique, not permitting the Yaksma to develop additional. surāṃ sa maṇḍāṃ – Scum of Sura, mārdvīkaṃ – Mardvika (wine), ariṣṭa – fermented decoction, sīdhu – liquor ready from sugarcane juice, mādhavān – liquor ready from honey, based on the requirement must be used as an after drink, after a meal or meat, with a view to clear the obstruction of the channels and enhance the energy, immunity and vigour.

Massages in pulmonary tuberculosis

स्नेहक्षीराम्बुकोष्ठेषु स्वभ्यक्तमवगाहयेत् ।
उत्तीर्णं मिश्रकैः स्नेहैर्भूयोऽभ्यक्तं सुखैः करैः ॥ ७७ ॥
मृद्नीयात्सुखमासीनं सुखं चोद्वर्तयेत्परम् ।
The affected person must be anointed, then made to sit down inside a bath crammed with oil, milk and water. After getting out,the entire physique ought to as soon as once more be smeared with copious amount of mishraka sneha (combination of 4 fat, viz, oil, ghee, marrow and animal fats) and massaged comfortably, rubbing of the physique is finished gently by making the particular person seated comfortably, after which given a snug dry therapeutic massage.

Jivantyadi Churna for Therapeutic massage in pulmonary tuberculosis

जीवन्तीं शतवीर्यां च विकसां सपुनर्नवाम् ॥ ७८ ॥
अश्वगन्धामपामार्गं तर्कारीं मधुकं बलाम् ।
विदारीं सर्षपान्कुष्ठं तण्डुलानतसीफलम् ॥ ७९ ॥
माषांस्तिलांश्च किण्वं च सर्वमेकत्र चूर्णयेत् ।
यवचूर्णं त्रिगुणितं दध्ना युक्तं समाक्षिकम् ॥ ८० ॥
एतदुद्वर्तनं कार्यं पुष्टिवर्णबलप्रदम् ।
jīvantīṃ – Leptadenia reticulata, śatavīryāṃ ca – Asparagus racemosus, vikasāṃ – Rubia cordifolia, punarnavām – Boerhavia diffusa, aśvagandhām – Withania somnifera, apāmārgaṃ – Achyranthes aspera, tarkārīṃ – Clerodendrum phlomidis, madhukaṃ – Glycyrrhiza glabra, balām – Sida cordifolia, vidārīṃ – Pueraria tuberosa, sarṣapān – Brassica nigra, kuṣṭhaṃ – Saussurea lappa, taṇḍulān – Oryza sativa, atasīphalam – Linum usitatissimum, māṣāṃ – Vigna mungo, tila – Sesamum indicum kiṇvaṃ ca – fermenting agent (one half) are all powdered collectively; yavacūrṇaṃ – flour of Hordeum vulgare is taken 3 times and this powder blended with curds and honey must be used for massaging the physique; it bestows nourishment, colour, complexion and energy.

Natural water for bathing in pulmonary tuberculosis

गौरसर्षपकल्केन स्नानीयौषधिभिश्च सः ॥ ८१ ॥
स्नायाद्ऋतुसुखैस्तोयैर्जीवनीयोपसाधितैः ।
He must be given tub each day in water boiled with paste of gaurasarṣapa – white number of Brassica nigra and ready with and herbs that are appropriate for making ready bathing water, and water boiled with herbs of Jivaniaya gana; such water must be used for tub, made snug to the season.

Daivavyapashraya in pulmonary tuberculosis

गन्धमाल्यादिकां भूषामलक्ष्मीनाशनीं भजेत् ॥ ८२ ॥
सुहृदां दर्शनं गीतवादित्रोत्सवसंश्रुतिः ।
वस्तयः क्षीरसर्पींषि मद्यमांससुशीलता ॥ ८३ ॥
दैवव्यपाश्रयं तत्तदथर्वोक्तं च पूजितम् ॥ ८३ऊअब् ॥
Adorning the physique with scents, garlands, ornaments and so forth, which disport inauspiciousness, must be carried out. Assembly with mates, listening to of songs, enjoying musical devices, festivities (celebrations) and listening to auspicious issues natural enemas, ghee extracted from milk each day, use of wine and meat, adopting of excellent conduct, actions to please benevolent gods and keep off malevolent spirits and strategies talked about in atharva veda all are extremely useful.

इति श्री वैद्यपति सिंहगुप्तसूनु श्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां चतुर्थे चिकित्सितस्थाने राजयक्ष्मादिचिकित्सितं नाम पञ्चमोऽध्याय: ॥५॥
Thus, ends the chapter- Rajayaksmadi cikitsita- the fifth in Cikitsita Sthana of Asthanga hrdaya Samhita – composed by Srimad vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta

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